
All graduate degrees offered by the program in Immunology and Molecular Pathogenesis are granted by the Laney Graduate School and the Division of Biological and Biomedical Sciences. The Dean of the Graduate School and the Director of the Division are assisted in the formulation of policy and the resolution of problems by faculty Executive Committees. In addition, a Divisional Student Advisory Committee consisting of students from each of the programs affords a way for student concerns to be raised and discussed.

The following sections explain the necessary requirements for obtaining a PhD degree from the IMP graduate program. The successful completion of ALL COMPONENTS as described is required to be an IMP student in good standing.

Summary of requirements for obtaining a PhD degree from the IMP program are:

  1. Obtain a grade of "B" or better in all courses including laboratory rotations.
  2. Choose a dissertation advisor.
  3. Pass the oral qualifying exam.
  4. Form a dissertation committee and hold committee meetings in compliance with Divisional and Program expectations.
  5. Develop a committee-approved dissertation proposal.
  6. Submit a review of the literature.
  7. Participate in the academic events of the program, which includes seminars, Research-in-Progress student seminars, journal clubs, etc.
  8. Write and successfully defend a dissertation.

For more information about each program requirement, please see the program handbook (PDF).