MMG Faculty
The three types of GDBBS membership are Full, Associate, and Adjunct Members. The definition of membership rights and responsibilities are as follows:
Full Members have full rights and privileges, including the right to act as Dissertation Advisors, to serve on any GDBBS Committee, or in an administrative position. Full Members must be faculty at Emory in good standing. To assure a stable training environment, faculty must have independent funding (i.e., as the sole PI or as co-PI) and sufficient research space must be assigned solely to the faculty member by their department. These should only include faculty who are already engaged in research, research funding, and scholarship (as first or last author). Exceptions can be made by the GDBBS Director, as appropriate. Programs may have restrictions on who can host a rotation student; please check with your Program DGS.
Associate Members must be faculty at Emory. Associate Members have the rights and privileges of Full Members, except they may only serve as a Dissertation Co-Advisor, serve on dissertation committees, and may be involved in other aspects of the Graduate Program. Generally, this membership would be for financially dependent Research Track faculty or others who contribute to the mission of the Graduate Program but are not in a position to directly serve as an advisor for new students in their research group, or those who have been judged to be non-participatory during the annual Program Review of Participation.
Adjunct Members must be faculty or staff of another research institution and must have credentials similar to those of our Full Members. They will have all the rights and privileges of Full Members, except that they may only serve on University or GDBBS committees in an unofficial capacity and they may only serve as Dissertation Co-Advisors. (For example, for faculty at Georgia Tech and CDC.)