Virology Research
The MMG Program provides a rich environment for graduate studies in various areas of virology, with particular strengths in research on HIV, influenza, and the large DNA viruses. Several of our faculty are associated with nationally recognized NIH funded research centers such as the Center for AIDS Research (CFAR), and the Emory Influenza Pathogenesis and Immunology Research Center (IPIRC). Interests of the faculty span a broad range of basic research topics such as virus entry, replication and assembly, aspects of virus-host relationships such as mechanisms of pathogenesis and immune responses of the host, and more translational areas of focus involving drug design and vaccine development.
The MMG Program encompasses investigators with virology expertise from the faculty of several Departments at Emory, including Microbiology and Immunology, Pediatric Infectious Diseases, and Experimental Pathology, and we also have members based at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Yerkes Vaccine Center, and the VA Hospital. The large critical mass of virology expertise fosters numerous collaborations and networking opportunities that provide an ideal platform for graduate training and promising futures for career pathways in academics, industry, or public health sectors.