Neuropharmacology Research
More than 20 faculty have research programs that encompass various aspects of neuropharmacology. Emory University is one of the world's premier universities for those interested in the neurobiology and treatment of neuropsychiatric disorders, substance abuse and epilepsy. Indeed, there are 13 faculty members in our program (more than any other university) who are members of the prestigious American College of Neuropsychopharmalogy. Strengths include the neurobiological substrates of social and affiliative behaviors, fear, anxiety, stress and depression. These strengths are equally complimented by expertise on the pharmacology of anxiolytic, antidepressant and antipsychotic drugs. Studies of G-protein-coupled signal transduction pathways as well as behavioral, molecular and physiological studies of drugs of abuse and glutamate receptor functions in epilepsy and neurodegeneration are additional assets of this program.
Faculty with interests in Neuropharmacology:
- Gary Bassell
- Jeffrey Boatright
- Raymond Dingledine
- Jennifer Felger
- Candace Floyd
- Paul S. Garcia
- Sandra M. Garraway
- Shannon Gourley
- James G. Greene
- Randy A. Hall
- John R. Hepler
- Ellen Hess
- P. Michael Iuvone
- Michael J. Kuhar
- Thomas Kukar
- Lian Li
- Andrew Miller
- Michael Owens
- Stella Papa
- Srikant Rangaraju
- Blaine Roberts
- Yoland Smith
- Stephen Traynelis
- Nicholas Varvel
- David Weinshenker
- Whitney Wharton
- Keqiang Ye
- Shan Ping Yu