Genetics Predoctoral Training Program
The Genetics Predoctoral Training Program (GPTP) is a NIGMS-funded T32 program that supports students as they develop their technical, operational and professional skills to succeed in their desired career in the biomedical workforce. Training-grant eligible students from the Genetics and Molecular Biology (GMB) graduate program apply and are appointed for 2 years (G2 and G3) before becoming GPTP affiliates (G4 and above). In addition to the GMB curriculum, GPTP appointees and affiliates take part in activities to enrich their training experience (see graphic below). These include participation in the Becoming A Resilient Scientist program, the Career Exploration series of workshops and one-on-one professional coaching. The training program uses an annual milestone assessment tool (MAT) and individual development plan (IDP) along with an annual reflection meeting between the student and mentor to create a student-centric, tailored and flexible training plan for each student. The individualized training plans leverage the broad assortment of career development sessions afforded to students at Emory, and encourages an internship. These plans are augmented by informal mentoring with both peer and informal faculty mentors. Appointments include stipend support, but the program’s activities are available to all GMB students regardless of appointment status, provided the student’s mentor participates. For further information, please contact the program director, Tamara Caspary, or the program administrator, Ertha Sinclair.

Application Requirements and Process
(Deadline: Noon, June 20, 2024)
Overview of Application Process
Application Resources
- NIH Biosketch (Student Biosketch does not need Section D)
- NIH Other Support
- SciENcv Tool
- 2024 Nomination Form
- Instructions for Diversity: Inclusion in the Modern Workplace (255029-11210) training on the Emory Learning Management System (ELMS)
- Atlanta Society of Mentors Training
Mentee-Mentor Compact Resources
- Masters KS, Kreeger PK. Ten simple rules for developing a mentor–mentee expectations document. Lewitter F, editor. PLOS Computational Biology. Public Library of Science (PLoS); 2017. p. e1005709. doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1005709
- Example mentor–mentee expectations document from Ten simple rules (Masters and Kreeger)
- Example Compact Between Biomedical Graduate Students and Their Research Advisors, American Association of Medical Colleges (AAMC)
- Types of Expectations Included in Mentoring Contracts and Agreements, Center for the Improvement of Mentored Experiences in Research (CIMER)
- Additional CIMER Resources (under the Materials for Mentors and Mentees section)
Customized Activity Resources
- Office of Professional Development and Career Planning (links to resources on campus and online, check out each semester’s PDF summarizing activities).
- National Center for Faculty Diversity and Development (Emory has institutional membership; MANY online core skills in time management, developing writing practice etc.)
- Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching and Learning
- Nature Masterclasses on Scientific Writing and Publishing
- Cold Spring Harbor Courses
- Univ of Chicago/Wood’s Hole Marine Biology Lab Courses
- Emory Science Advocacy Network
- Advanced Degree Consulting Club
- LAW 570A: Intro to American Legal System, search Course Atlas or OPUS, in person and online options
- LinkedIn Learning is available through public library and has online classes for specific software, programming and many other items
- GDBBS Alumni LinkedIn Group