DSAC Student Research Symposium

Hosted by the Division Student Advisory Council (DSAC) to showcase GDBBS student research.
The 21st Annual DSAC Student Research Symposium took place on March 27, 2024 at the Emory Student Center.

Download the Full Program (PDF)
Presentation Winners
Oral Presentation Winners
Session 1: Madison Bangs - Cellular Development and Pathways
Session 2: Jim Rose - Genomics and Gene Regulation
Session 3: Saaj Gosrani - Molecular Mechanisms of Therapeutics
Session 4: Dormarie Rivera Rodriguez - Disease & Microbes
Session 5: Naomi Rodriguez-Marino - Metabolic Pathways and Immune Function
Poster Session Winners
First place poster: Monica Reeves
Second place poster: Nahara Vargas-Maldonado
Third place poster: Yasmine Bassil