Student Forms and Documents

Student Guidelines to Forms for Documenting Progress (PDF)
This table provides a holistic overview of the various forms that students must submit in order to maintain satisfactory academic progress and graduate on time. Students should reference this document every academic year, complete the action items listed for that year, and contact their Program Administrator or Director of Graduate Studies with questions or concerns.

Forming a Committee
LGS Dissertation Committee Instructions and Forms
(Note: for Laney Graduate School forms, "DGS / Director" is the Program Director, not the DGS.)

GDBBS Adjunct Faculty Added to Committees
Adjunct Faculty Memo Template – Outside Reader (DOCX)
(Use this memo template when adding a GDBBS Adjunct Faculty Member to your dissertation committee. Note that adjunct members do not count toward the minimum number of committee members.)

Committee Meetings
IMP Evaluation Of Dissertation Proposal Form (PDF)
IMP Dissertation Committee Meeting IDP Slides (PPTX)
IMP Dissertation Committee Meeting Summary and Progress Report (DocuSign)
(The student's summary report and presentation, with IDP slides, must be attached to this form. Submission of these documents is required as evidence of a committee meeting.)

Financial Support in the Semester of Graduation

The final stipend payment for spring graduates will be in May unless otherwise requested by the advisor or student. Students and advisors should contact the LGS Finance Team at with any questions or requests for an earlier end date for the student’s stipend.

Handbook Section 3.1

If a student has defended and is no longer working on any aspect of their research or degree completion requirements, their advisor can request that the student not be paid for the time between the degree defense and graduation. This request should be submitted to the GDBBS Division Director for consideration.

Health Insurance Coverage in the Semester of Graduation

To determine when their health insurance will end, students should contact Student Health Services or Aetna by visiting the Aetna website or calling 1-877-480-4161.

Please note that access to all campus services, including CAPS, will end on the last day of the term.

Non-IMP Training
Non-IMP Training Report Cover Page (PDF)

Professional Development Support
Students should visit Professional Development Support (PDS) Funds for guidelines on how to apply for PDS funds from the Laney Graduate School. In addition to the Laney Graduate School requirements,  the Graduate Division requires that students present their work at the conference in order to be eligible for funds. Students should read all of the information so they understand the policies and procedures.  

For more information see:
Laney Graduate School Travel Info
Registering for International Travel
Laney Graduate Student Council (offers some student travel grants)

Wellness and Support Resources
This guide provides an overview of services and resources available to Emory students related to health, wellness, and a variety of individual needs.

Academic Support Resources
This guide is designed to help students, faculty members, and staff identify supportive resources to assist students with their academics.

Accommodations Support Guidance

Emory University Student Hardship Fund

LGS Emergency Loan Application Form

LGS Withdrawal, Leave of Absence, and Parental Accommodation Forms