Students Nearing Graduation
Graduation packets are available by PDF in the Forms section and paper copies are available in the GDBBS. Please contact Emily Neutens with any questions (; 727-1594). The forms contain information on how to prepare your dissertation and the dates that the forms are due for a particular semester. Please keep in mind that students must do the following:
- Apply for candidacy the semester before the student graduates (at the latest). The student must also be registered in the semester in which he/she wishes to receive the degree. Graduate residence does satisfy this requirement.
- Turn in a formal application for degree to be awarded in a particular semester (spring, summer, or fall). The deadline usually falls at the beginning of the semester. If the deadline is missed, a $25 application fee applies. If the student does not complete all the degree requirements that semester, the student must apply again and register for the semester in which he/she anticipates the degree will be awarded.
- Turn in a Degree Clearance Form (Completion of Requirements Report) that certifies that the student has completed all requirements for the degree. It must be submitted before or with the dissertation. It requires signatures from at least three GDBBS faculty members who sit on the thesis committee. An explanation must be provided for any dissertation committee members who do not sign the form (see GDBBS Handbook under Thesis Committees for details).