Recruitment Policies

A number of merit-based fellowships will be available to GDBBS applicants. Each program may nominate up to a total of 50% of their slot allocation for the Woodruff or Division Fellowships. Programs may nominate one or more of their applicants for the Emory Graduate Diversity Fellowship, and one or more minority applicants for the FACES (Facilitating Academic Careers in Engineering and Science) Fellowships

  • EGDF and Woodruff
  • Division Scholar
  • Summary

Dean's Review

A Program recommending admission of an applicant whose credentials fall into either category above should submit a letter explaining the decision to admit. The letter should outline the reasons the Program believes the applicant will succeed in graduate work. For applicants whose files are under Dean's Review the Programs may not notify the applicant of any admissions decisions until the Dean of the Graduate School completes his/her review and responds. If a Program offers admission to a Dean’s Review candidate prior to receiving approval from the Dean, then the Program loses a slot in the following year if that student enrolls.

Admissions Forms

There are no set minimums for the GPA or GRE. However, the Graduate School requires that Programs must get approval from the Dean prior to offering admission if one of the following conditions is met: 

Applicant scored lower than the 50th percentile in two sections of the GRE.

Applicant has a GPA of 3.0 or below and scored lower than the 50th percentile in one section of the GRE.

  • No offers of admission can be made unless an application is complete.

  • For declines, an applicant with an incomplete application must receive an Incomplete letter; an applicant with a complete application can receive a Reject or Class Full letter (typically a Reject letter is sent).

  • An applicant with a Bachelor’s degree is entered in Full Standing. If an applicant has an advanced degree (such as an MS, DVM, MD in a relevant field of study; typically from a US institution) they can be entered in Advanced Standing at the Program’s discretion. Note that the degree must already have been granted; if the degree will be granted at a later time then the applicant must be entered in Full Standing and the Program notifies the Director of Recruitment to move the applicant to Advanced Standing once the degree granting transcript arrives.

Admission After April 15th

No new offers of admission can be made after April 15th. Letters requesting a Dean’s Review or admissions after April 15 must be sent to the Director of the Division for prior review. If the Director approves the decision of the Program, he/she will forward the recommendation to the Dean of the Graduate School. If a Program offers admission to a Dean’s Review candidate prior to receiving approval from the Dean, then the Program loses a slot in the following year if that student enrolls.